The following are the types of food that are most useful to our member agencies, and most often requested by the people who receive our food:
Baby and Toddler Items:
- Infant formula
- Jar foods – all flavors and stages
- Crackers, teething biscuits, and cookies
- Raisins & fruit snacks
- Juices: jars, cans, pouches and boxes
- Infant and children’s cereals
- Diapers (all sizes accepted, though sizes 4-5 preferred)
- Canned Foods:
- Tuna, Vegetables, and Soup
- Fruits and Fruit Juices
- Pork & Beans
- Stews & Other Meats
Packaged Foods:
- Pasta, Lentils, Pinto and other beans
- Macaroni & Cheese and Packaged Dinners
- Instant Soups
- Hot and Cold Cereals
- Peanut Butter & other Nut Butters
- Nutritional Bars: protein, granola, energy or breakfast bars
Other Items:
- New socks and blankets
- Unopened toiletries, including travel-sized items
- Paper goods, plastic cutlery, and small condiment packages