With chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and obesity on the rise, we take seriously our role in providing the best nutrition possible.
In order to focus on getting the most nutritious foods possible to our member agencies, we discourage the donation of:
The following are the types of food that are most useful to our member agencies, and most often requested by the people who receive our food:
Baby and Toddler Items:
- Infant formula
- Jar foods – all flavors and stages
- Crackers, teething biscuits, and cookies
- Raisins & fruit snacks
- Juices: jars, cans, pouches and boxes
- Infant and children’s cereals
- Diapers (all sizes accepted, though sizes 4-5 preferred)
Canned Foods:
- Tuna, Vegetables, and Soup
- Fruits and Fruit Juices
- Pork & Beans
- Stews & Other Meats
Packaged Foods:
- Pasta, Lentils, Pinto and other beans
- Macaroni & Cheese and Packaged Dinners
- Instant Soups
- Hot and Cold Cereals
- Peanut Butter & other Nut Butters
- Nutritional Bars: protein, granola, energy or breakfast bars
Other Items:
- New socks and blankets
- Unopened toiletries, including travel-sized items
- Paper goods, plastic cutlery, and small condiment packages